Have you ever wondered how the obvious gets covered up? Has it ever chapped your arse that those responsible never seem to be held to account? Do you believe the TRUTH doesn’t care about feelings or who may be offended? If so, this is the website for you.

RobbiLeaks, an obvious play on WikiLeaks, seeks to expose the truth that is all too often concealed, twisted or ignored.

Here is the thing about the TRUTH…..it doesn’t change, and it has nothing to do with opinion, feeling or interpretation. Most often the TRUTH can be supported by FACTS and EVIDENCE. RobbiLeaks calls those pesky things, that always ruin a good story, #receipts.

WARNING……. RobbiLeaks is not concerned about feelings, go see a therapist or cry on your mommy’s shoulder if you are the sensitive type. You may not like what is said, or how it is said but you won’t be able to dispute what is said, because unlike people, who are self-serving, incompetent, vindictive and lack integrity, #receipts don’t lie.

RobbiLeaks is happy to publish your grievances, but there is one requirement……….You must produce the #receipts to support your assertions, and yes, RobbiLeaks will do its due diligence to vet those claims before publishing.

For those who are interested in a sampling of RobbiLeaks, simply click on the Facebook icon, which will direct you to my Facebook page, where you see over 100 Episodes of RobbiLeaks.



“Rules are for Thee, Not for Me”